Late-Night Adventures in B Films
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When I can't sleep, I watch B movies. Usually horror or sci-fi, but there's room for other categories in there, too. When I was a kid, my mom watched Creature Feature with me on Saturday afternoons, and I guess I've just always had a soft spot for these kinds of movies. Could be that it's genetic.
I'm a writer, and contrary to the way these things are supposed to go, it was movies, TV shows, and comic books that first gave me the spark. If I'd been a kid with a Super 8 camera, then I probably would've gone a different route. But I had paper and pen, so here we are. It was Raiders of the Lost Ark that really did it for me. Raiders isn't a B movie, but it was inspired by the old-time serials that were very close cousins to the B film. It found the gold in those old stories and made it shine.
There is gold to be found.
If you're interested in checking out my other writing, there's another website for all that right here.
In the meantime, let's go talk about some movies.
--Eric Roe